From David Graf on 12/03/2011

I started attending Bethany Baptist Church when I was a freshman in high school. Bob Swanson was my first official youth leader. This was during Bob's last couple of years in this position. Some would say he was "old" for a youth leader, but he had the heart and fire of someone 20 years his junior. Bob had a passion for the youth ministry. I believe he enjoyed every minute of it and it showed. We were a mischievous group, and I'm sure we tried his patience on several occasions. Yes, Bob would get us back in line, but he always did it in a loving, caring way. I never doubted his concern for us and I always respected him. On more than one occasion I remember him saying, "Come on, guys, straighten up!" He allowed us to have a good time, but knew where to draw the line. Bob will be missed, but his legacy will live on in each of us who called him our youth leader. Heaven is a happier place with Bob Swanson on the streets of gold! David Graf